If you wake up still feeling tired, fatigued, with a
headache or suffer with snoring then you could have
a condition called sleep Apnea. Being overweight,
smoking or drinking too much alcohol can also be an
added cause.
Sleep Apnea is when periods of shallow breathing
occur whilst asleep, temporarily blocking the airways
causing the brain to become deprived of oxygen.
When the brain becomes aware of this, it triggers the
body to arouse for long enough to snort to take in air,
allowing for normal breathing to resume.
It is important to contact your GP to obtain a
diagnosis if you are suffering with on-going
symptoms as this could be life threatening if not
Available now is a new revolutionary simple sleep
test which can diagnose Sleep Apnea. Data is
recorded and sent directly to your smartphone whilst
sleeping with the use of a sensor attached to your
finger tip.
If you have a positive diagnosis your GP can advise
on further treatment necessary to relieve the Apnea.
Often a personalised Mandibular splint crafted by a
Dentist can be used to reposition the jaw and tongue
to improve the airflow, which in turn will enabling a
healthy night’s sleep.

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