Cataracts. Non Invasive Surgery.CLINICA BRITANNIA 20/09/2021
Cataracts are generally an age-related condition that form a decrease in the clarity of [...]
Sciatica. Alleviate the pain. CLINICA BRITANNIA 16/09/2021
Your back is made up of a number of bony vertebrae. Between each pair [...]
Diabetic on Tablets. CLINICA BRITANNIA 15/09/2021
A Diabetes is an extreme form of blood sugar imbalance. It arises when your [...]
Types of Hernias. CLINICA BRITANNIA 14/09/2021
Hernias Hernias are a kind of lump-formation in the groin or umbilical region. Most [...]
Blood pressure? . CLINICA BRITANNIA 13/09/2021
The actual values for blood pressure vary with many things such as exercise, anxiety, [...]
How do you get gallstones? . CLINICA BRITANNIA 10/09/2021
Gallstones form in the gall bladder which is a storage sac for bile. When [...]