Gedächtnisverlust & Vergesslichkeit. Besuchen Sie unseren Spezialisten. CLINICA BRITANNIA
When is it normal to forget things? Becoming occasionally forgetful is quite normal and [...]
Besuchen Sie unseren Podologen. CLINICA BRITANNIA
A Podiatrist or more commonly known as a Chiropodist are specialists that treat foot [...]
Koloskopie und virtuelle Koloskopie. CLINICA BRITANNIA.
A colonoscopy is A test performed to screen for Colorectal Cancer(CRC) which forms [...]
Sind Sie müde von langen Wartelisten für die urologische Chirurgie (transurethrale Resektion der Prostata)?
Bei CLINICA BRITANNIA ohne Wartelisten haben wir die besten [...]
Ballen. Besuchen Sie CLINICA BRITANNIA, um unsere Podologin, Frau Lara Yáñez, zu besuchen. Keine Wartelisten
Bunions Bunions are bony lumps that form on the side of the feet. Surgery [...]
Karotis (Hals) Echo-Doppler (Ultraschall)
Your carotid arteries are the major blood vessels that deliver blood to your brain. [...]