Restylane Anti-Aging dermal filler Treatments
Restylane is a type of hyaluronic acid treatment that is
injected into the tissue of the skin, it is a naturally occurring
sugar-like molecule found in most tissues of the body,
including the skin.
There are various types of Restalyne treatments,
Restylane lyft is a dermal filler used for cheek lifting and to
enhance the jawline injected creating a lifting effect to your
facial features giving a natural and youthful look to the skin.
The results of the treatment can last up to 2 years.
Restylane Refyne is a softer and more flexible dermal filler
that can be used for the treatment of more dynamic areas of
your face, such as around the lips, the nasolabial folds, and
the marionette lines. The treatment lasts up to 18 months
and helps to refine your looks and individual needs.

Restylane Kysse enhances the shape and and adds
volume to your lips for a perfect pout, the treatment lasts
approximately a year.

Come and visit our Anti-aging specialist Dr Irina Artemenko
for her professional advice on what would be best for you
and how she can give you back that youthful look.[:]