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Bisher hat Clinica 363 Blogeinträge erstellt.

Stroke Prvention and Carotid Ultrasound. 01/10/2021 CLINICA BRITANNIA


The Carotid arteries are major blood vessels situated on both sides of the neck. There main purpose is to carry blood to the brain in order to supply it with essential nutrients and oxygen. These arteries over time can narrow due to  arteriosclerosis or other causes, impeding the blood flow, which can lead to transient [...]

Stroke Prvention and Carotid Ultrasound. 01/10/2021 CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-10-07T07:53:46+00:00

Depression. Medication&Physiotherapy. CLINICA BRITANNIA 29/09/2021


Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may [...]

Depression. Medication&Physiotherapy. CLINICA BRITANNIA 29/09/20212021-09-29T14:06:33+00:00

Stomach. Acid Reflux. Food Intolerance Test. CLINICA BRITANNIA 28/09/2021


 Acid reflux happens when stomach acid backs into the oesophagus, and is often accompanied by frequent heartburn. You may be experiencing excess acid reflux because you' re eating foods that irritate the stomach lining, or cause an allergic reaction. To rule the latter out, it is well worth having a food intolerance test.Certain nutrients calm [...]

Stomach. Acid Reflux. Food Intolerance Test. CLINICA BRITANNIA 28/09/20212021-09-28T08:27:19+00:00

Mitral Valve Stenosis. Heart Questions. CLINICA BRITANNIA 27/09/2021


The mitral valve is situated between the upper and lower chambers of the heart. It acts to prevent the blood going in the wrong direction in the heart. Stenosis is the medical turn for narrowing. If the valve is narrowed, blood may be slow in passing from one chamber of the heart to the next. [...]

Mitral Valve Stenosis. Heart Questions. CLINICA BRITANNIA 27/09/20212021-09-28T08:19:36+00:00

Pseudogout. CLINICA BRITANNIA 24/09/2021


Pseudogout (SOO-doe-gout) is a form of arthritis characterized by sudden, painful swelling in one or more of your joints. These episodes can last for days or weeks. The most commonly affected joint is the knee.Also called calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease or CPPD, the common term "pseudogout" was coined for the condition's similarity to gout. Crystal [...]

Pseudogout. CLINICA BRITANNIA 24/09/20212021-09-24T12:25:18+00:00

Hemorrhoids. CLINICA BRITANNIA 23/09/2021


Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids), also called piles, are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. Hemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids). Nearly three out of four adults will have hemorrhoids from time to time. Hemorrhoids have a number of causes, but [...]

Hemorrhoids. CLINICA BRITANNIA 23/09/20212021-09-23T12:31:08+00:00

How to Boost Your Brain Power &Energy. CLINICA BRITANNIA 22/09/2021


We all can’t be full of energy all the time. Like everything in life, there are ups and downs in terms of our energy levels. Here are the 7 causes of low energy. 1. Circadian Rhythm and Lack of Sleep Circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle of an individual. [...]

How to Boost Your Brain Power &Energy. CLINICA BRITANNIA 22/09/20212021-09-22T13:57:31+00:00

Neural Therapy for Pain Syndromes. CLINICA BRITANNIA 21/09/2021


Neural Therapy is a medical system that identifies and treats the disturbances in the body’s neurological control mechanisms that underlie all pain and illness. These disturbances, called “interference fields”, can be found almost anywhere in the body, are subtle, but easily and safely treated by injections of dilute procaine or other local anaesthetics.Neural Therapy has [...]

Neural Therapy for Pain Syndromes. CLINICA BRITANNIA 21/09/20212021-09-22T07:42:12+00:00

Cataracts. Non Invasive Surgery.CLINICA BRITANNIA 20/09/2021


Cataracts are generally an age-related condition that form a decrease in the clarity of vision which cannot be corrected by wearing glasses, you may find that colours can also appear faded and a sensitivity to light and glare, often when driving. There is now a new revolutionary non-invasiveTrifocal lense surgery available to treat cataracts. After [...]

Cataracts. Non Invasive Surgery.CLINICA BRITANNIA 20/09/20212021-09-22T08:08:36+00:00

Sciatica. Alleviate the pain. CLINICA BRITANNIA 16/09/2021


Your back is made up of a number of bony vertebrae. Between each pair of vertebra, one nerve emerges from the spinal cord. In the lower part of the back, four of these nerves join up in the buttock to form the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs diagonally across the buttock, and down the back [...]

Sciatica. Alleviate the pain. CLINICA BRITANNIA 16/09/20212021-09-16T12:34:25+00:00
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