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Bisher hat Clinica 363 Blogeinträge erstellt.

DAO Deficiency


DAO Deficiency Suffer with bloating, constipation or headaches on a regular basis, then you should check on your DAO enzyme. DAO Deficiency occurs when there is an alteration in the metabolism of food histamine, in other words, when for some reason there is a significant deficiency in the functional activity of the main enzyme in [...]

DAO Deficiency2023-01-24T16:16:07+00:00

Various teeth-whitening procedures and how they function


Various teeth-whitening procedures and how they function Your teeth can become stained in two different ways: on the surface, which is typically brought on by personal habits like smoking, drinking coffee, and poor dental hygiene; and deeper stains that penetrate the enamel, which can be brought on by oral trauma, drugs, and the aging process. [...]

Various teeth-whitening procedures and how they function2023-01-24T16:00:07+00:00

Ischemic heart disease in elders


Ischemic heart disease in elders Ischemic heart disease in elders and its effects on their overall health.  Ischemic heart disease is a condition in which the inner wall of the heart becomes severely damaged by lack of blood supply. The most common type of ischemic heart disease is coronary artery disease, which accounts for more [...]

Ischemic heart disease in elders2023-01-24T16:01:42+00:00



Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is a disease that causes joint pain and stiffness. Symptoms of Osteoarthritis The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are joint pain and stiffness, and difficulty moving the joints. Some people also experience the following symptoms: Swelling Tenderness Creaking or crackling noises when moving the affected joint The severity of osteoarthritis symptoms can vary from [...]


Anxiety and its influence on overall health


Anxiety and its influence on overall health Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental illness in the world. It affects 40 million adults each year, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. "Anxiety" includes specific disorders, and it is not uncommon for people with anxiety disorders to also have depression, and vice versa. [...]

Anxiety and its influence on overall health2023-01-24T16:02:50+00:00



Menopause What is menopause? Menopause is the time in a woman's life when her period stops. It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Menopause happens because the ovaries stop making hormones, including the hormone estrogen. When menopause occurs, it signals the end of the reproductive years. After menopause, a woman can no [...]


What is bronchiolitis?


What is bronchiolitis? Bronchiolitis is a condition caused by the inflammation of the small airways in the lungs, known as the bronchioles. It is a type of lower respiratory tract infection. Bronchiolitis most commonly affects infants and young children, but can also occur in adults. The condition is usually viral in origin, with respiratory syncytial [...]

What is bronchiolitis?2023-01-24T16:03:38+00:00

Dental clinic in Calpe


Dental clinic in Calpe, if you are looking for a dental clinic where the treatment is completely personalized and the speed of the treatments does not make you wait long and uncomfortable days and being able to solve any dental problem in less than 8 hours. We would like to inform you that at Clinica [...]

Dental clinic in Calpe2023-01-24T16:16:32+00:00

Dental Caries


Dental caries is defined as a chronic dynamic process or disease that occurs in the structures of the teeth when exposed to microbial deposits, resulting in a loss of minerals due to an imbalance between the tooth material and the surrounding plate. A surface characterized by localized destruction of hard tissue. It is one [...]

Dental Caries2023-01-24T16:06:04+00:00
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