The immune system is responsible for the safety of the body and eliminates all kinds of threats, both external and internal. It achieves this through very sophisticated control and recognition mechanisms and only cells or other components that are innocuous can continue on their way. Is the set of cells, molecules and mechanisms that are responsable.
Although there are some organs or tissues specialized in functions of the immune system, such as the spleen, the thymus or the bone marrow , their “agents” are distributed throughout the body .
Within the agents that circulate, we find a group of very important molecules in the communication between the different cells: the cytokines. These molecules act as messengers, similar to what neurotransmitters do in the brain.
Cytokines are created and released by cells of the immune system and travel between tissues through the blood to activate or recruit other cells. The signals they transmit can generate a pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory response, depending on what they need.
On the other hand, we have cells. Because there are many types of cells that make up the immune system, their functions are just as diverse. In addition, having such a wide range, each one is specialized in a type of function or defense, which makes them highly effective.
Immunodeficiencies, autoimmune diseases (lupus, psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis), intolerances, allergies and hives are types of problems of immune system.
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