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Ayuda de los cepillos interdentales. Departamento de Odontología. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Why should I use interdental brushes? Interdental brushes help to prevent gum disease by getting rid of pieces of food and plaque from between your teeth.They have small bristled heads designed to clean between your teeth, and they come in different widths to suit the sizes of the gaps.You can buy them from pharmacies and in supermarkets. How [...]

Ayuda de los cepillos interdentales. Departamento de Odontología. CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-04-27T12:35:36+00:00

New Dentures in 24Hours. Repairs in less than Half day. Come to Our Dental Department. CLINICA BRITANNIA 20/04/2021


  Dentures or false teeth More commonly known as false teeth, dentures are fitted in place of natural teeth. A full set is used to replace all your teeth. A part set is used to replace 1 or more missing teeth. Dentures are custom-made using impressions (mouldings) from your gums. They're usually made from metal [...]

New Dentures in 24Hours. Repairs in less than Half day. Come to Our Dental Department. CLINICA BRITANNIA 20/04/20212021-05-05T14:09:44+00:00

Capture el cambio estético en su sonrisa con "Coronas de circonio". CLINICA BRITANNIA


What is Zirconium Crowns? When tooth coating is required, biologically compatible materials should be used in the mouth. After using plastic biodent material on metal for many years, the use of porcelain over metal became popular in the 1980s. Especially in the last 30 years, porcelain making on metal as a porcelain tooth coating has [...]

Capture el cambio estético en su sonrisa con "Coronas de circonio". CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-04-27T13:04:01+00:00

Qué alimentos causan la caries dental. Visite Nuestro Departamento Dental. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Which foods cause tooth decay? Sugary food and drinks are one of the main causes of tooth decay.Acid is produced when the bacteria in your mouth break down the sugar.The acid dissolves the tooth surface, which is the first stage of tooth decay. Sugar in food and drinks Some sugars occur naturally in food and [...]

Qué alimentos causan la caries dental. Visite Nuestro Departamento Dental. CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-04-27T13:51:59+00:00

¿Cómo puedo mejorar mi sonrisa? Departamento de Odontología. CLINICA BRITANNIA


How Can I Improve My Smile Some of the best ways to improve your smile are through teeth whitening, dental crowns, veneers, implants, and regular tooth brushing/flossing, while keeping up with regular dental appointments. Having a straight white-toothed smile that you can show comfortably is priceless. If you want a smile that you enjoy seeing [...]

¿Cómo puedo mejorar mi sonrisa? Departamento de Odontología. CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-04-29T09:39:34+00:00

Oral Bacteria, Tooth Decay. Visit Our Dental Department. CLINICA BRITANNIA


By spreading knowledge of how tooth decay progresses, more people are able to see the signs and symptoms of tooth decay before they become a serious problem. In fact, more of our patients have shown better preventative care habits such as brushing their teeth and flossing regularly. In fact, these habits when combined with regular dental [...]

Oral Bacteria, Tooth Decay. Visit Our Dental Department. CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-04-29T09:55:51+00:00

Custom Nightguards. Visit Our Dental Department. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Custom Nightguards Made In Office We’re always striving to incorporate the best technology for our patient’s care. We can now make night guards  with a faster turnaround and a better fit  Get flexible, durable occlusal guards that fit perfectly. If you’re looking for custom nightguards made quickly that you can most likely take home the [...]

Custom Nightguards. Visit Our Dental Department. CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-04-29T10:46:03+00:00

Implantes dentales . Visite Nuestro Departamento Dental. CLINICA BRITANNIA

2021-04-29T11: 10: 53 + 00: 00

  Las 6 razones principales para considerar los implantes dentales Si ha pensado en reemplazar sus dientes perdidos o dañados con implantes dentales que obtengan un soporte completamente nuevo y permanente, nunca ha habido un mejor momento antes. La cirugía de implantes dentales se ha vuelto más fácil y más avanzada y más rápida que la mayoría de las áreas de la cirugía dental, lo que le permite [...]

Implantes dentales . Visite Nuestro Departamento Dental. CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-04-29T11: 10: 53 + 00: 00

La salud bucal es muy importante. Visite Nuestro Departamento Dental. CLINICA BRITANNIA

2021-04-29T13: 42: 45 + 00: 00

Un buen cuidado dental u oral es importante para mantener los dientes, las encías y la lengua sanos. Los problemas orales, que incluyen mal aliento, boca seca, aftas o herpes labial, TMD, caries dentales o aftas son tratables. Pero doctor, ¿cómo puedo prevenir la gingivitis y los problemas orales? La mejor manera de asegurar una boca sana es seguir un [...]

La salud bucal es muy importante. Visite Nuestro Departamento Dental. CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-04-29T13: 42: 45 + 00: 00

Dental Plaque. Visit Our Dental Department. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Plaque is the sticky, colorless film of bacteria that forms on teeth. It makes teeth "feel fuzzy" to the tongue and is most noticeable when teeth are not brushed.A growing body of research also finds that bacteria and inflammation in your mouth are linked to other problems, including heart attack and dementia, and may jeopardize your overall health. What Causes Plaque and Why Is It Harmful? Plaque develops when [...]

Dental Plaque. Visit Our Dental Department. CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-04-29T14:41:44+00:00
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