Acerca de Craig Morfett

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Hasta ahora Craig Morfett ha creado entradas de blog 308.

New General Practitioner joining CLINICA BRITANNIA, DR Alexander Molano


Dr. Alexander Molano graduated from the Technological University of Pereira Colombia in 2003, specializing in general medicine, completed his studies with a Diploma in Preventive Medicine. Dr Alexander Molano being Dr. Alexander Molano will be the first point of contact for any patient who comes to Clínica Britannia with a physical or mental health problem, [...]

New General Practitioner joining CLINICA BRITANNIA, DR Alexander Molano2018-11-14T08:42:54+00:00

Come to CLINICA BRITANNIA and visit our Psychiatrist, He will help you


Our Phsychiatrist Dr Anton have being over more  more than 30 years helping our patients. He has a deep  understanding of physical and mental health – and how they affect each other. Here are some of the benefits  of visiting a psychiatrist who specializes in treating psychiatric disorders. Talking through your emotions: Having a caring, [...]

Come to CLINICA BRITANNIA and visit our Psychiatrist, He will help you2018-11-07T15:01:52+00:00

Menopausia: tratamiento no hormonal y alivio para los sofocos Ven a visitar a nuestro ginecólogo

2018-10-27T14: 57: 52 + 00: 00

La terapia hormonal es la terapia más eficaz para los sofocos, pero existen otras opciones de tratamiento. Los tratamientos no hormonales incluyen la modificación de su dieta, cambios en el estilo de vida y terapias de venta libre. La terapia hormonal es la terapia más eficaz para los sofocos. Sin embargo, hay otras opciones no hormonales disponibles para las mujeres que padecen síntomas, pero que aún no están listas [...]

Menopausia: tratamiento no hormonal y alivio para los sofocos Ven a visitar a nuestro ginecólogo2018-10-27T14: 57: 52 + 00: 00

Ven a CLINICA BRITANNIA a visitar a nuestro Nutricionista. Ponte en forma este invierno.

2018-10-02T08: 35: 00 + 00: 00

Nutrition information can be confusing, especially since so much of it is conflicting. A nutritionist can help demystify nutrition and guide you on the right path to a healthier diet and lifestyle. There are many reasons why a person can visit our nutritionist. These are some of the most common: Lose weight: If you have [...]

Ven a CLINICA BRITANNIA a visitar a nuestro Nutricionista. Ponte en forma este invierno.2018-10-02T08: 35: 00 + 00: 00


2018-09-27T14: 13: 12 + 00: 00

Microdermabrasion is an exfoliating treatment that removes dead skin cells, improves the appearance of your skin’s texture and reveals a more radiant, healthy looking you. It can also be used as part of a personalised anti-ageing programme to enhance other treatments. [:ru]Microdermabrasion is an exfoliating treatment that removes dead skin cells, improves the appearance of [...]

Microdermoabrasión ANTIEDAD Ven a CLINICA BRITANNIA2018-09-27T14: 13: 12 + 00: 00

Convenio de formación para médicos jóvenes rusos en CLINICA BRITANNIA

2018-09-15T10: 31: 08 + 00: 00

El Dr. Vicente Mera da la bienvenida al Dr. Alexander Kartsivadze, quien permanecerá durante todo el Curso Académico bajo su tutoría en la Clínica Britannia. El Dr. Alexander Kartsivadze fue licenciado en Medicina por la Academia Medica de Moscou de IMSechenov en 2010. Completó con éxito su formación como Dermatólogo en la misma Universidad, obteniendo su título de especialista en Dermatología [...]

Convenio de formación para médicos jóvenes rusos en CLINICA BRITANNIA2018-09-15T10: 31: 08 + 00: 00

Disfunción eréctil. Nuevos tratamientos. Ven a CLINICA BRITANNIA

2018-09-08T12: 48: 57 + 00: 00

NEW TREATMENTS OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (ED) ED is a very common problem affecting about 1 in 10 men. Unfortunately only a small proportion of these men actually receive any treatment for their problem. Causes of ED Most men will, at some stage, fail to get or keep an erection. The most common causes are stress, [...]

Disfunción eréctil. Nuevos tratamientos. Ven a CLINICA BRITANNIA2018-09-08T12: 48: 57 + 00: 00

Síntomas de insuficiencia cardíaca: cansancio excesivo, hinchazón de piernas, dificultad para respirar ven a visitar a nuestro cardiólogo

2018-05-07T12: 38: 10 + 00: 00

Heart failure (HF), often referred to as congestive heart failure (CHF), is when the heart is unable to pump sufficiently to maintain blood flow to meet the body's needs. Signs and symptoms commonly include shortness of breath, excessive tiredness, and leg swelling. The shortness of breath is usually worse with exercise, while lying down, and [...]

Síntomas de insuficiencia cardíaca: cansancio excesivo, hinchazón de piernas, dificultad para respirar ven a visitar a nuestro cardiólogo2018-05-07T12: 38: 10 + 00: 00
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