Remplacement de la hanche effectué sans listes d'attente. CLINICA BRITANNIA.
A hip replacement also known as a total hip arthroplasty, is an orthopaedic surgery performed to [...]
Bruxisme. Rééducation buccale. Département dentaire. CLINICA BRITANNIA
Bruxism is a parafunctional activity, that is, a movement of the masticatory system that [...]
Le blanchiment de vos dents est rapide et facile. CLINICA BRITANNIA
Teeth whitening is the process by which stains and pigmentations on teeth are chemically [...]
Le monde de la conception numérique du sourire dans CLINICA BRITANNIA
The Digital Smile Design is a multi-use tool that can assist the restorative team [...]
Nouvel appareil de radiographie panoramique numérique à la pointe de la technologie. CLINICA BRITANNIA
At CLINICA BRITANNIA we can now offer all of our patients a Panoramic dental [...]
Le leader mondial du Clear Aligner. Invisalign® .CLINICA BRITANNIA
The world’s leading clear aligner Invisalign® is the right choice. Invisalign treatment allows you to transform [...]