Calculs rénaux, visitez notre spécialiste. CLINICA BRITANNIA
Kidney stones (also known as renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis) are hard deposits made [...]
Actualités du Corona virus. CLINICA BRITANNIA
The US Government's Center for Disease Control has officialized the following scientific evidence on [...]
Centre du gouvernement américain pour le contrôle des maladies Info sur le coronavirus. CLINICA BRITANNIA
The US Government's Center for Disease Control has officialized the following scientific evidence on [...]
T.R.U.E TEST. Allergic Dermatitis.Come to CLINICA BRITANNIA
T.R.U.E TEST is a convenient and simple epicutaneous patch test indicated for use in [...]
Les taupes. Venez à CLINICA BRITANNIA
Moles or medically known as Nevi, are skin cells called melanocytes which have grown [...]
Mycose des ongles. CLINICA BRITANNIA
Oychomycosis more commonly known as nail fungus forms when a micro fungus begins [...]