Orthopantomographie. Visitez notre service dentaire.CLINICA BRITANNIA
À Clinica Britannia nous garantissons d'offrir à tous nos patients âgés [...]
Échographie pour le diagnostic de la maladie du foie. Venez à CLINICA BRITANNIA
Ultrasound for diagnosis of liver disease Heavy alcohol consumption causes alcoholic liver disease and [...]
Sudden death in athletes (Cyclists). Easy study of echocardiography. Come to CLINICA BRITANNIA
Echocardiography can help detect serious heart problems and prevent sudden death The echocardiogram is [...]
Rotation en médecine familiale à la CLINICA BRITANNIA
The Student from McGill University from Toronto (Canada) Mrs Lena Zotova is doing her [...]
L'assurance maladie Salus, la meilleure couverture pour tous vos besoins
The best coverage for your health and the health of your family We offer [...]