Over time, your teeth can get damaged, lose their shape, and
decrease in size. This can happen for a variety of reasons, like
tooth decay, grinding your teeth, injuries, or just age-related
problems, so having a regular dental check up is important.
Your dentist may advise that you need a crown, these are
tooth-shaped “caps” that can be placed over your tooth to
restore the tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance giving
you a more appealing smile.
Dental crowns are used for various reasons, including:
 Protecting a weak, worn down or broken tooth.
 Covering and supporting a tooth with a large filling that
has much tooth remaining.
 Holding a dental bridge in place.
 To aesthetically improve misshapen or severely
discoloured teeth.
 Protect and cover a dental implant or tooth that has had
root canal treatment.

Crowns can be made from many different materials. These
materials can include, metal, porcelain fused to metal, all-
ceramic, all-porcelain and the most durable, zirconium. One of
the biggest advantages of zirconium is its strength and natural
look when fitted. It is a good choice for crowns particularly at
the back of the mouth, as these must be able to withstand
considerable force when chewing food.

Come to our Dental Department  who can perform a detailed checking of
your teeth and gums with use of a specialised camera.