Root Canal Treatment. Visit our Dental Department. CLINICA BRITANNIA
At Clinica Britannia we guarantee to offer all our patients old and new the [...]
Dr Vicente Mera welcoming Medical Student Mrs Lena Zotova to CLINICA BRITANNIA
Today I am happy to welcome the Medical Student Mrs Lena Zotova at Clinica [...]
Болезненный кальцифицирующий тендинит. Приходите в CLINICA BRITANNIA
Calcific tendonitis of the shoulder happens when calcium deposits form on the tendons of [...]
Cataracts, Cloudiness. No Waiting Lists for Operation. Come to CLINICA BRITANNIA
A cataract is an opacity of the normal transparency of the lens of the [...]
Хирургия паховых грыж. Нет списка ожидания. Приходите в КЛИНИКУ БРИТАННИЯ. Доктор Дэвид Коста Наварро. Специалист по общей и пищеварительной хирургии
An inguinal hernia is a lump or swelling in the groin area. There are [...]