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What is BRCA testing?2023-02-17T12:20:36+00:00

BRCA1 and BRCA2 play a role in DNA repair and help keep breast, ovarian and other types of cells from growing uncontrollably. They’re referred to as tumour suppressor genes because when changes (mutations) in those genes develop, there’s an increased risk of breast, ovarian and other cancers. BRCA stands for Breast Cancer gene.

BRCA mutations are inherited; meaning, they’re passed down from your parents and run in families. To test for BRCA mutations, your healthcare provider takes a sample of your blood and analyses it. This genetic test identifies any mutation in one of the BRCA genes, knowing you have the mutation allows you to take steps that can help reduce your risk.

What is genetic testing for cancer risk?2023-02-17T12:20:27+00:00

In cancer, genetic mutations change how our cells work, particularly how they divide and multiply. Most of these mutations happen during a person’s lifetime. Sometimes, though, people inherit mutations that put them at increased risk of developing an inherited (hereditary) cancer. Hereditary mutations cause about 5% to 12% of all cancers. Healthcare providers typically do genetic tests (DNA tests) to confirm someone has an inherited (hereditary) cancer.

If genetic tests show you have a hereditary mutation that increases your cancer risk, your healthcare provider may recommend that your family members have the same tests.

What is Gout?2023-02-17T12:20:20+00:00

Gout is a painful form of arthritis. When your body has extra uric acid, sharp crystals may form in the big toe or other joints, causing episodes of swelling and pain called gout attacks. Gout is treatable with medications and changes in diet and lifestyle.

Gout causes pain and swelling in one or more joints. It typically affects the big toe. But it’s also found in other joints, including the knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist, and elbow.

Why would I need a dental crown?2023-02-10T12:22:25+00:00

You may need a dental crown for several reasons, including:

  • Protecting a weak tooth (possibly from decay) from breaking or to keep the weak tooth together if parts of it are cracked.
  • Restoring a broken tooth or a severely worn-down tooth.
  • Covering and supporting a tooth with a large filling and not much tooth remaining.
  • Holding a dental bridge in place.
  • Covering misshapen or severely discoloured teeth.
  • Covering a dental implant.
  • Covering a tooth that’s been treated with a root canal.

Contact your Dentist and make an appointment for a check-up so your Dentist can give their professional opinion on what is the best treatment plan for you.

What are dental crowns?2023-02-10T12:20:24+00:00

Over time, your teeth can get damaged. This can happen for a variety of reasons, like tooth decay, injuries or just use over time. Your teeth can lose their shape or size. Dental crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” that can be placed over your tooth. Think of it like a snug hat for your tooth. The crown restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance. The dental crown is cemented into place on your tooth, and it covers the visible portion of the tooth.

What is Helicobacter Pylori Infection?2023-02-06T11:47:12+00:00

H. pylori is a bacterium that can cause peptic ulcer disease and gastritis. Only 20% of those infected have symptoms. Symptoms include dull or burning stomach pain, unplanned weight loss and bloody vomit. H-pylori-caused ulcers are commonly treated with combinations of antibiotics.
If you have an H. pylori infection, you have an increased risk for stomach cancer later in life. If you have a strong family history of stomach cancer and other cancer risk factors, even though you may not have symptoms of a stomach ulcer, your healthcare provider may recommend being tested for H. pylori antibodies. In addition to screening and treatment, your provider may suggest some lifestyle changes, such as including more fruits, vegetables and fibre in your diet. Regular check-ups with your provider and following their recommendations can reduce your cancer risk.

Stretch Marks, what are they?2023-02-06T11:46:01+00:00

Stretch marks are a form of scarring that appear after your skin quickly stretches or shrinks. They often happen due to pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss and bodybuilding. Treatment options include laser skin resurfacing, dermabrasion, micro-needling and retinol creams.

Prediabetes what does this mean?2023-02-06T11:45:11+00:00

Prediabetes means you have higher than normal blood sugar levels. Unmanaged prediabetes can lead to Type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes doesn’t always have symptoms, so it’s important to get blood sugar levels tested, especially if you’re at high risk. Losing weight, exercising regularly, and eating healthy can reverse prediabetes and prevent Type 2 diabetes.

What is deep vein thrombosis?2023-02-06T11:44:36+00:00

Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot in a vein located deep within your body, usually in your leg. Get treatment right away so you can prevent serious complications. Treatments include medicines, compression stockings and surgery. Be patient. You may need to take medicine for a few months and wear compression stockings for two years.

My 17-year-old son has acne and we have tried every home remedy, but it has not helped. It has now started to negatively affect his self-confidence. Please give me some advice.2023-01-31T00:16:41+00:00

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells, usually appearing most prominently on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulder areas.

It can cause whiteheads, blackheads or pimples and is most common amongst teenagers, though it can affect people of all ages. Hormonal changes such as puberty and menopause, certain medications, diet, and stress are some of the main factors that can cause the initial outbreaks.

Effective acne treatments are available, but acne can be persistent. The pimples and bumps heal slowly, and when one begins to go away, others seem to crop up. Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress, be the cause of bullying and leave prominent scarring to the skin. The earlier the treatment is started, the lower the risk of such problems. Some acnes can even be treated with specialised aesthetic treatments such as PRP or mesotherapy.

Seek medical advice, they can advise on skin care and prescribe medication if necessary. Helping get him get his  acne under control should in-turn help positively improve his self-confidence.

I recently saw a Dermatologist, due to developing dark spots on my skin since the summer, he assured me that it was nothing to worry about and gave advice on skin protection. Any advice on eliminating these ugly marks?2023-01-24T16:33:44+00:00

Yes, now available is an effective and harmless non-surgical treatment called Mesotherapy that can help with this.

Mesotherapy can be used alone or alongside other aesthetic treatments to combat many skin problems and even hair loss. The procedure is performed with the use of micro-injections of plant-based vitamins, serums, and nutrients, that permeate the skin for nurturing and rejuvenation.


Main benefits of Mesotherapy treatment include:


  • Removal of skin pigmentation and age spots.
  • Smooth Fine lines and wrinkles,
  • Tightening of the skin on face and neck area.
  • Revitalise skin by stimulating the production collagen and elastin.
  • Even and fresh complexion.
  • Removal of acne and scarring.
  • Treatment for hair loss.


One of the other significant mesotherapy face benefits is skin hydration, it keeps the skin hydrated by increasing the moisture in the skin. Consequently, your skin will look more healthy, hydrated, and radiant.

If you want perfectly glowing skin without surgery, then contact your Aesthetic specialist to check is this treatment is the right choice for you.


I am becoming increasingly concerned as each time I brush my teeth, my gums start to bleed, can you give some advice on what could be the cause of this?2023-01-20T11:34:50+00:00

Your gums should not bleed when you brush or floss. With gums that bleed, there is much more to consider than just the pain or discomfort associated with the bleeding itself, as this could be a warning sign of gum disease.

Periodontal gum disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. It is most often caused by poor brushing and flossing habits that allow plaque, a sticky film of bacteria to build up on the teeth and harden. In advanced stages, periodontal disease can lead to sore, bleeding gums; painful chewing problems; and even tooth loss.

Some of the symptoms associated with gum disease are:

  • Constant bad breath
  • Red, swollen, or receding gums that bleed
  • Sensitive teeth or tooth loss.

Some helpful tips to help keep your gums and teeth healthy and brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day, use a water flosser and if you smoke, then quit.

Contact your Dentist immediately, if you notice that your gums are bleeding on a regular basis.

My son suffered with Acne in his teens, and he has now been left with some ugly scars on his face and neck area which he is self-conscious about. Is there any treatment that can help to lighten and remove these marks?2023-01-20T11:24:30+00:00

Yes, now available is an effective and harmless non-surgical treatment called Mesotherapy that can help with this.

Mesotherapy can be used alone or alongside other aesthetic treatments to combat many skin problems and even hair loss. The procedure is performed with the use of micro-injections of plant-based vitamins, serums, and nutrients, that permeate the skin for nurturing and rejuvenation.

Main benefits of Mesotherapy treatment include:

  • Removal of skin pigmentation and age spots.
  • Smooth Fine lines and wrinkles,
  • Tightening of the skin on face and neck area.
  • Revitalise skin by stimulating the production collagen and elastin.
  • Even and fresh complexion.
  • Removal of acne and scarring.
  • Treatment for hair loss.

Mesotherapy also helps to increase the moisture level of the skin, the results of this, give the skin a clearer and more even and smooth complexion. The treatment is non-surgical so could be a good option for your son, but it is important to consult first with an Aesthetic specialist.

I have been told by my Dentist that I need to have a partial denture as implants are not an option for me due to the lack of bone density in the jaw. Will the denture be made to look natural?2023-01-20T11:16:06+00:00

When a person is missing teeth, he or she may experience a variety of problems, lack of confident when smiling or difficulty pronouncing words when speaking or eating certain foods.

Dentures are appliances that are custom made to replace a person’s missing teeth and restore the appearance and oral functions that were lost.

When the denture does not fit correctly or an accident happens and our dentures break or fracture and we can no longer use them, it can be overwhelming and embarrassing.

Afterall, we need them, just as the same as anyone with natural teeth, to carry on life as normal. For most denture wearers, broken or ill-fitting dentures are cause for an emergency and need to be treated by your Dentist as just that, “An Emergency”.

Don’t wait, find a Dental practice in your area that can offer an Express Dental Service, often being able to fix dentures within the hour or while you wait without compromising on the quality of the work done.

What is Rh incompatibility in Blood?2022-04-29T14:56:09+00:00

Rh incompatibility is when a mother is Rh negative and her baby is Rh positive, which can cause problems during pregnancy.

If the baby’s Rh positive blood cells enter the mother’s circulation, her immune system may view them as “foreign” — and, in a normal immune response, mobilize armies of antibodies to attack these unfamiliar cells.

Since red blood cells carry oxygen, this type of attack can make it hard for a baby to get the amount of oxygen it needs. That can potentially cause a serious type of anaemia and other health problems.  Rh incompatibility only becomes a problem if you and your baby’s blood mix, most likely during birth. At that point, the antibodies your body makes cannot harm your baby.

What could be the cause of the toothache?2022-04-29T14:50:10+00:00

We cannot pick or choose what time of the day that throbbing toothache starts or when we suffer a dental accident.  With both these issues there comes a point where painkillers stop working, causing the pain to become incessant and debilitating. Female patients often say that childbirth was

much less painful. This is when it is essential to seek the help of a 24-hour Emergency Dentist.

So, what could be the cause of the toothache?

There are many dental issues that can cause a throbbing toothache, but the most common are:


  1. Dental Cavities.
  2. Dental Abscess.
  3. Root Canal Infection.
  4. Irreversible Pulpitis.
  5. Trauma (essential to be repaired within 24 hours)
  6. Acute Sinusitis.


Most dental emergencies are however prevented with good hygiene. Simple things, such as brushing and flossing the teeth after every meal, will help keep the mouth healthy. If engaged in contact sports, wear a mouth guard to shield the teeth.

Book an appointment with your dentist at least twice a year. Regular check-up and cleans can help spot any potential issues that can affect tooth health.

Don’t wait until a dental emergency to contact your dentist. Prevention is better than having to cure a problem created by neglect. Remember dental treatment can be surprisingly cheaper and faster than you think.



My husband always suffers at this time of the year has problems sleeping, he constantly has a blocked nose, causing him to sniff continuously. It has become so bad I have had to move rooms to get some rest. Could the cause be allergies?2022-04-29T14:48:15+00:00

be allergies?

Yes, certainly this could be the cause. An allergy starts when the immune system mistakes a normally harmless substance for a dangerous invader(allergen). This causes the immune system to produce antibodies that remain on the alert for that specific allergen. When exposed to the allergen again, these antibodies release an immune system chemical, causing a reaction.

Most allergies are incurable, with their severity ranging from person to person, some suffering minor irritation whilst others can be so highly allergic, that it can be life threatening.

Allergy to pollens (hay fever) can cause:

  • Sneezing and itching of the nose, roof of mouth and eyes.
  • Blocked and stuffy nose.
  • Watery, red, or swollen eyes.

Available now is a new non-invasive test that concrete the allergy. With the results correct medication can be prescribed, relieving the symptoms.

A food allergy can cause you to suffer:

  • Weight gain, bloating and general feeling of unwellness.
  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, face, or throat.
  • Hives (skin rash).
  • Anaphylaxis shock (emergency treatment needed immediately).

A simple stool test can easily diagnose the allergy and with the advice of a Nutritionist you will be feeling better within no time at all.


My GP Has Advised That I take Omega-3, What Are The Benefits?2022-04-25T13:14:35+00:00

Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil is associated with a decreased risk of high blood pressure and triglyceride levels There’s also some evidence that diets high in omega-3 fatty acids help with rheumatoid arthritis. Past evidence pointed to omega-3 fatty acids reducing risk of heart attacks, strokes, and death from heart disease.

I took my son to the doctor with a cough, and she said that he had asthma. I can’ t believe that this is true. Why would my son develop asthma at the age of 12?2022-03-25T15:46:45+00:00

Asthma can develop at any age, but the most common times ate at about 2 years, 5 to 7 years of age and at puberty (12 to 14 years). Asthma may be triggered by infections, allergies, exercise, temperature changes, emotional changes or hormonal changes. One of the most common presenting symptoms in children is a persistent dry cough. Once asthma is diagnosed, attacks may occur regularly, seasonally, or very rarely. If regular attacks occur, medication will be given to prevent them. If attacks are infrequent, medication can be used when required. It is very important to receive adequate treatment for asthma, to seek further help if the cough or wheeze continues, and to follow your doctors instructions carefully.

I have severe pain under my heel. It is making it very difficult to walk, and I spend a lot of time on my feet in my job. What could be the cause?2022-03-25T15:43:08+00:00

Pain under the heel is one of the most common problems seen by a Podiatrist (chiropodist). It can be caused by a spur on the bottom of the heel bone, by inflammation of the large fibrous band that maintains the arch of the foot, or from damage to the heel tissues from running on hard surfaces. Joggers are particularly susceptible to heel pain, and should ensure that they wear good running shoes.

Contact us for an appointment with our Podiatrist to eleviate the problem.

Is drinking safe during pregnancy? What could be the risk for my unborn baby if I drink occasionally?2022-03-25T15:39:27+00:00

Drinking must be avoided by pregnant ladies. Generally, it is difficult to determine the exact amount of alcohol which can harm the unborn babies because every woman’ s metabolic response to alcohol is different. So, on the safer side, it will be good, if you abstain from alcohol during your pregnancy.

By consuming alcohol, you will be putting your unborn child on a risk of various serious health problems.

Are you suffering in silence with Erectile dysfunction?2022-03-25T15:31:15+00:00

If you are suffering with Ererctile problems, there is help available.

Surprisingly it is estimated that half of all men over the age of 40, will have at some degree suffered with ED, many of them in silence due to embarrassment.

Keep in mind that problems getting or keeping an erection can also be a sign of an underlying health condition. Stress anxiety, tiredness, being overweight, depression or the excessive intake of alcohol can also be attributing factors.

Now available is a non-invasive Extracorporeal Shock wave Therapy (ESWT), this is a clinically proven method and has been used for treating various medical conditions. ESWT is a treatment which works by producing a painless microtrauma in the way of shockwaves to the penis area enhancing the generation of new arteries, thus improving the blood circulation, enabling an erection.

For further information contactu us.

Do you forget things on a regular basis, find the need to search for the right word to use or are easily confused?2022-03-25T15:24:36+00:00

If this is the case then you could be suffering with the onset of Alzheimer or Dementia.

Of course, it’s normal to forget things occasionally as we age, but if you, a family member, or friend has problems remembering recent events or thinking clearly, find it hard to perform everyday tasks such as driving or even finding your way home, this is when you should start to worry and seek help from your GP.

Your GP can perform a thorough exam using cognitive tests to assess the severity of the problem, and if necessary, organise for a specialised genetic blood test or brain scan to further diagnose the source of the memory loss.

Do you want to look and feel younger now Spring is in full bloom and Summers on its way?2022-03-25T15:19:20+00:00

Then make an appointment with an Aesthetic Doctor who can put into place a treatment plan to help shave years off your appearance. There are many new treatments available, which when used in conjunction with each other, give amazing results. Botox, Hyaluronic acid fillers and specialised peeling treatments can allow people to enjoy the glowing, youthful skin they have been wishing for.

I keep getting pains in the centre of my chest. I am frightened it may be a heart attack. What else could it be?2022-03-25T14:56:57+00:00
There are a score or more reasons for central chest pain, heart disease certainly being one of them. Other causes include indigestion, hiatus hernia, muscular strains, inflammation of the chest cartilage, bronchitis, other lung diseases and tumours. Anxiety and tension can be sufficiently severe to cause muscle spasms and chest pain. Cancer of the lung, gullet and thymus (a gland in the chest) may also cause chest pain. There is no doubt that any chest pain that does not settle rapidly should be checked by a doctor. It is far better to be reassured today that there is nothing seriously wrong, than to delay the treatment of serious lung or heart diseases. Please see your general practitioner about this as soon a possible
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Why do doctors keep worrying about my blood pressure. Is it really that important to keep it low?2021-05-10T13:46:23+00:00
Any plumber will tell you that if a pipe carries water at a pressure higher than the pressure it was designed for, it will eventually rupture. If the pressure in the pipe is not only too high but varies rapidly in its level, the rupture will occur even sooner because of the excessive stresses on the pipe. Exactly the same situation occurs in the human body when the pressure of blood in the arteries becomes too high. The arteries of a person with high blood pressure will become hardened, brittle and eventually rupture, causing a stroke, heart attack or other serious injury to vital organs. The majority of people with high blood pressure have no symptoms of the problem for many years, and by that time it may be too late. Once diagnosed, tests will be done to see if there is any specific cause for the increased blood pressure, but the majority of people have ‘ essential’ hypertension, for which there is no single identifiable cause. Treatment is necessary in all cases of hypertension to prevent the serious long-term problems that may occur. There is no cure for high blood pressure, but it can be very successfully controlled in the majority of patients by taking one or two tablets a day.
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I suffer severely from trigeminal neuralgia, which is not relieved by painkillers. What causes this dreadful pain?2021-05-06T10:12:17+00:00
The trigeminal nerve leaves the brain and passes through a hole in the skull just beside the ear. From there it fans out across the face ro receive sensations from the skin of the face and ro give instructions to the muscles in the face. Neuralgia is nerve pain, and patients with trigeminal neuralgia (also known as ‘ tic douloureux’ ) experience sudden, severe pain in the trigeminal nerve. The pain often arises beside the mouth, and spreads almost instantly up to the eye, down to the jaw, and across to the ear. The pain may last a few seconds or several minutes. Only one side of the face is affected. Attacks of pain may be started by cold winds, eating, yawning or touching the face. The pains tend to come in episodes, with attacks coming every few minutes for a few days or weeks, and then disappearing for a time. Unfortunately, each successive attack tends to last longer than the preceding one, and the pain-free periods become shortet. Occasionally, trigeminal neuralgia may be caused by a brain or nerve disease such as multiple sclerosis,. A number of drugs can be used to control the condition.
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I have a haemorrhoid that came and was uncomfortable, then after a few days it went away. Is this normal? I thought that once they were present, they were there for ever.2021-05-06T10:06:56+00:00
Haemorrhoids are swollen veins around the anus that usually start after an episode of passing hard motions when constipated, straining or heavy lifting. Once formed, there will always be a weakness at that point unless the pile is surgically removed. Most piles settle slowly with no treatment, others settle with the help of various creams, ointments and other medications, and some need to be drained or injected, but only a very small number actually need full surgery. Be grateful that your haemorrhoid has settled quickly and simply, but don’ t be surprised if it recurs at the same point next time you become constipated.
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I have terrible spots on my face. Why do I suffer more than my friends, and what can I do about it?2022-03-25T15:00:36+00:00

Pimples, zits, spots, acne. It doesn’ t matter what they are called, nobody likes to have them. Pimples are due to a blockage in the outflow of oil from the thousands of tiny oil glands in the skin. This blockage can be due to dirt, flakes of dead skin, or a thickening and excess production of the oil itself.

If the acne is severe to start with, or the over-the-counter preparations do not help, see your general practitioner. He or she will use antibiotics and. more potent skin preparations to more effectively control the problem.

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My two year old is still bottle fed but has white spots on his teeth and bleeding gums. He often cries when feeding. Should he see a dentist at this early age?2021-05-04T14:41:06+00:00

This case describes the typical presentation and outcome of ‘ nursing bottle decay’ or ‘ bottle caries’ , which is seen in young children who are not yet weaned from the bottle. Bottle caries is caused by frequent feeding of sweetened liquids from a bottle, especially before the child goes to sleep. Sugar in the liquid mixes with bacteria in the dental plaque to form acids that attack tooth enamel. Each time a sweet liquid is taken, acids attack the teeth for at least 20 minutes. When children are awake, the saliva is able to remove some of the liquid. However, during sleep, the saliva flow decreases and the sweet liquids collect around the teeth for prolonged periods, bathing the teeth in acids. The earliest appearance of decay is the enamel turning a chalky white colour, usually around the gum line. Then as more calcium is lost from the tooth, a hole finally appears. In severe cases of bottle caries, the cavities can ringbark the teeth and cause them to break off. At the early stages, the cavities do not cause pain, but as they enlarge, increasing discomfort may be experienced, and dental abscesses may result. Bottle caries may be treated by fillings or extractions, but because most children are not cooperative at such a young age, they usually need to be sedated. Very often, general anaesthetics have to be given. The best form of treatment for nursing bottle decay is prevention. Children should not be allowed to sleep with a bottle of sweet liquid. If a child needs a bottle for comfort before falling asleep, fill the bottle with plain water, milk or formula, and remove the bottle as soon as the child is asleep. Dummies should never be dipped in honey.

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My doctor says I have an aneurysm in my stomach. What is this?2021-05-04T14:37:55+00:00

The main artery carrying blood from your heart to the rest of the body is called the aorta. This may be 2 to 3 cm in diameter, and travels down the back of your chest and abdomen just inside the backbone. If this large artery develops a weak spot from atherosclerosis (hardening of the artery), an aneurysm can develop. The wall of the artery is made of three layers. If the weak spot allows blood to seep into the area between two of these layers, it will gradually separate them and cause a balloon-like swelling on the side of the artery. There are several types of aneurysm. Some are like the traditional round balloon, and sit like small pimples on the side of an artery. Others are long and thin, and appear as a thickening of the artery. Both types are quite serious, as they may burst if they swell to far or you receive a blow to the vital area. Visit your Doctor to do more Diagnose Tests as Ultrasound and others.As a result, doctors usually operate to correct the condition once it is found.

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I have a tennis elbow. How can this be treated?2021-05-04T14:29:30+00:00


Experienced PRP Tennis Elbow Specialists have helped many patients that are suffering from Tennis Elbow reduce pain, increase range of motion and get back to the active and healthy lifestyle they are have always enjoyed.

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I am allergic to penicillin. What other antibiotics can I use?2021-05-04T14:21:31+00:00

If you have a severe reaction to penicillin, you should wear a bracelet or pendant warning doctors of this fact. You should be able to use tetracyclines and sulpha drugs without problems, but you should be careful with erythromycin and cephalosporins as they can have a cross-sensitivity with penicillin. There are many other less common antibiotics that can be used on you when necessary, so do not fear that treatment will not be available when needed. Just make sure any doctors you consult are made aware of your allergy.

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Human growth hormone supplements are being sold on the internet to combat ageing. Do they work?2021-05-04T14:19:22+00:00
Human growth hormone (HGH) is one of the many important ‘ neurochemicals of communication’ , along with the likes of DHEA, acetylcholine and serotonin. Also known as somatotrophin, HGH is produced in the pituitary gland and influences the growth of bones, cells, organs and muscles. We produce less of it as we age, hence the interest in it as an anti-ageing treatment.Taking an optimal amount of the nutrients from which the body builds HGH is unquestionably an effective anti-ageing strategy. They include the amino acids ornithine, arginine, glutamine, glycine and tryptophan, all of which are present in protein foods. Whether or not these specific nutrients actually do create HGH (even when HGH is one of them, as the digestion process often breaks down these structures prior to absorption) is another matter. But there are more pressing concerns to do with taking HGH.

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I have to have an operation, but I’ m scared about the anaesthetic. Can you please tell me what will happen to me?2021-05-04T13:30:36+00:00
About an hour before the operation, you are usually given an injection to relax you in preparation for the anaesthetic, and to dry up your saliva, so that it does not cause trouble while you are asleep. You are then taken on a trolley or in a wheelchair to the theatre suite where you meet the anaesthetist, but your memory of the meeting will be brief, as s/he will be busy putting you to sleep as soon as possible. You will breathe oxygen through a mask, while the anaesthetist places a needle in a vein in your arm or hand. Once all is ready, medication will be injected through the needle to make you drop off to sleep, and relax your muscles. This is not at all frightening, and is just like going to sleep naturally. You are very carefully watched all the time you are asleep, as the anaesthetist is regularly checking your pulse, blood pressure, breathing and heart. Your first memory after the operation will be of the recovery room. This is where you stay under the care of specially trained nurses, and the anaesthetist, until you are fully awake. You are then wheeled back to your ward. Anaesthetists are highly trained doctors, who undergo many years of intensive training, and must pass difficult exams, before starting their practice. Modern anaesthetics are very effective, and complications are extremely rare.
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Is Vitamin B useful? Should I take regular capsules to supplement my diet?2021-05-04T13:28:46+00:00
 Vitamin B is divided into several subgroups numbered 1, 2, 6 and 12. All are water-soluble and occur in dairy products, meats and leafy vegetables. It is almost impossible to have a lack of only one in the group. If one is missing, all will be missing. A lack of these may cause anaemia and other blood diseases. Excess is rapidly excreted from the body through the kidneys and has no harmful effects. Vitamin B6 may be useful in mouth inflammation, morning sickness and nervous tension. Vitamin B12 is used as an injection to treat pernicious anaemia.
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Just what is an allergy? How do they occur? I have been able to eat oysters all my life, but now I get an itchy rash if I even touch one. How can this happen?2021-05-04T13:26:29+00:00
An allergy is an excessive reaction to a substance which in most people causes no reaction. An allergy can occur to almost any substance in our environment. It may be triggered by foods, pollens, dusts, plants, animals, feathers, furs, mould, drugs, natural or artificial chemicals, insect bites and gases. No-one is totally immune to all possible allergic substances, but some individuals are far more susceptible to a wide range of substances than other people. This tendency towards allergies tends to run through a family, but the form the allergy takes (eg. hay fever or rash) and the substances that the person reacts to (eg. oysters and bee stings) can vary from one generation to the next. Allergy reactions may be very localised (eg. at the site of an insect bite, or in just one eye), may occur suddenly or gradually, may last for a few minutes or a few months. They may involve internal organs (eg. lungs), or be limited to the body surface (eg. skin or nose lining). Allergies that cause significant discomfort or distress to the patient occur in 10% of the population. An allergy differs subtly from a hypersensitivity reaction, where a normal reaction, experienced by most people, is exaggerated in some individuals. Often the difference is of little consequence to the sufferer and may only be determined by measuring specific substances (called immunoglobulins) in the blood. Side effects of drugs, psychological reactions, personal dislikes and the results of over-exposure to substances, must all be differentiated from a true allergy. When a person is exposed to a substance to which s/he is allergic, the body reacts by releasing excessive amounts of a substance called histamine from mast cells that are found in the lining of every body cavity, and in the skin. Histamine is required at times to fight invading substances, but when released in excess, it causes inflammation, redness, and swelling, and in body cavities, the excess secretion of fluid from the involved surface. Intense itching often also occurs. It is rare for an allergy to occur on the first occasion that a person comes into contact with a substance or food (in your case, oysters), but an allergy reaction can occur on the second, third or 300th time that the substance is encountered. Developing an allergy after years of exposure is therefore, not unusual.
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Why do alcoholics get liver damage?2021-05-04T13:24:37+00:00
Alcohol is absorbed from the stomach into the bloodstream, and is moved to the liver, where it is broken down into its basic components. Excess amounts of alcohol are excreted through the kidneys. If the liver is regularly overloaded with alcohol, the cells in the organ are damaged (pickled) and they can no longer function properly. If enough cells are damaged, rhe person develops cirrhosis, which may lead to total liver failure and death. Doctors can do a blood test to see if your liver is being damaged by alcohol. Anyone who is taking more than six drinks a day is risking permanent liver damage and is having probably an alcohol severe problem.

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My sister is facing severe Acne Problems. Can she have chemical peeling treatments?2022-03-25T15:06:03+00:00

Chemical peeling for acne scar treatment is where specific chemicals are applied topically to the affected areas of skin.This causes exfoliation of the skin to take place. The dermatologist may request for a skin preparation routine, in order to prepare your skin for chemical peeling. This treatment is very quick and makes your skin glow by removing scars and blemishes. If you have severe acne scarring, this method might not be useful. Moreover, the acids present in the chemical peel may cause redness, irritation or sometimes burning sensation of the skin.

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Могу я получить дополнительную информацию о зубных имплантатах?2021-02-04T13: 37: 00 + 00: 00

Первая консултация проводится бесплатно. Наш стоматолог проработает конкретно Вашу ситуацию и подробно проинформирует Вас.

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Ваш стоматолог ставит имплантаты?2021-02-04T13: 37: 47 + 00: 00

Помимо общей стоматологии, наша команда дантисты поможет вам с косметическими процедурами (отбеливание), дизайном улыбки (виниры), ортодонтией (для детей и взрослых) и, конечно же, с имплантатами при необходимости.

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Мне нужен анализ крови. Вы возьмете мой образец крови прямо в клинике?2021-02-04T13: 36: 18 + 00: 00

Анализ крови будет взят непосредственно нашей практикующей медсестрой, которая отправит его в нашу ассоциированную лабораторию.
Пожалуйста, не забывайте поститься с полуночи.

Записаться можно с 9 до 11 утра.

Если мне нужна операция, в какую больницу меня направят?2021-01-07T19: 28: 13 + 00: 00

У нас есть договоренности с двумя больницами:  IMED  (Бенидорм и Эльче) или ВИТАС (Аликанте). Выбор зависит от страховой компании и Ваших пожеланий.

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У меня есть Европейская карта здоровья (E111). Применимо ли это к Clinica Britannia?2021-01-07T19: 27: 12 + 00: 00

Карточка E111 действительна только в испанских центрах социального обеспечения. К сожалению, поскольку Clinica Britannia не входит в сеть социального обеспечения, мы не принимаем карты E111.

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Имея медицинскую страховку, могу ли я использовать свою карту для оплаты медицинских расходов?2021-01-07T19: 26: 25 + 00: 00

У нас есть соглашения с некоторыми местными страховыми фирмами.Однако, некоторые международные страховые компании могут применять свою схему выплат. 

Пожалуйста, спросите у администратора для получения полностью индивидуализированной информации.


Слишком плохо себя чувствую, чтобы прийти в клинику. Не могли бы вы прислать мне врача на дом?2021-01-07T19: 25: 14 + 00: 00

У нас предусмотрены как экстренные, так и плановые посещения на дому.

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Могу ли я пройти тест на плотность костной ткани для проверки на остеопороз в Вашей клинике или мне нужно ехать в больницу?2021-01-07T19: 24: 30 + 00: 00

Да, здесь Вы можете записаться на прием к нашему специалисту для прохождения теста на плотность костной ткани.

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Могу ли я пройти тест на коронавирус (Covid-19) в вашей клинике?2021-01-07T19: 23: 49 + 00: 00

Да. Мы предлагаем два разных теста: тест на антитела Elisa и тест на антиген ПЦР.

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Могу ли я сделать ботокс или филлеры в вашей клинике?2021-01-07T19: 23: 07 + 00: 00

Да, у нас есть замечательный эстетический врач (драка Ирина Артеменко), который посоветует Вам Ваш личный план косметических процедур.

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Мне нужно посетить ортопеда или мануального терапевта, это возможно в Вашей клинике?2021-01-07T19: 22: 15 + 00: 00

Да, возможно 

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Есть ли в Вашей клинике пластический хирург?2021-01-07T19: 21: 21 + 00: 00


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Делаете ли Вы операцию Халюс Вальгус?2021-01-07T19: 20: 28 + 00: 00

Да, мы можем здесь все организовать для вас.

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Я хочу пройти тест на антиген ПЦР, сколько времени это займет?2021-01-07T19: 19: 37 + 00: 00

Вы получите результат в течение 72-96 часов.

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Мои волосы редеют. Что я могу с этим сделать?2021-01-07T19: 18: 53 + 00: 00

Мы рекомендуем Вам посетить нашего специалиста по дерматологии и трихологии для диагностики и лечения, доктора Рафаэля Вейтия.

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Я страдаю фибромиалгией, есть ли у Вас специалист, который может мне помочь и посоветовать?2021-01-07T19: 18: 11 + 00: 00

Да, у нас есть специалист по внутренним болезням доктор Мера, который может дать Вам все необходимые советы.

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Я недавно попал в автомобильную аварию на работе. Могу ли я встретиться с адвокатом в Вашей клинике?2021-01-07T19: 17: 29 + 00: 00

Да, у нас есть наш медицинский адвокат доктор Менё, который может дать Вам совет на тему Ваших прав.

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Я страдаю контактным дерматитом, могу ли я пройти тест на аллергию в Вашей клинике?2021-01-07T19: 16: 06 + 00: 00

Да, пожалуйста, запишитесь на прием к нашему терапевту, который обсудит тип необходимого теста на аллергию.

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Я подумываю об увеличении груди, могу ли я обратиться к специалисту в Вашей клинике?2021-01-07T19: 15: 24 + 00: 00

Да, конечно, запишитесь на прием к нашему пластическому хирургу доктору Немсеффу.

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Я беременна, и мне нужно сделать УЗИ, могу ли я сделать это в Вашей клинике?2021-01-07T19: 14: 28 + 00: 00

Да, запишитесь на прием к нашему гинекологу, который сделает Вам сканирование.

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У меня варикозное расширение вен, могут ли мне помочь Ваши врачи?2021-01-07T19: 13: 40 + 00: 00

Да, доктор Альфонсо Руис - очень известный специалист в области интервенционной сосудистой радиологии, он даст Вам лучший медицинский совет.

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Я думаю, что у меня может быть инфекция Helicbacter pylori, могу ли я пройти тестирование в Вашей клинике?2021-01-07T19: 12: 51 + 00: 00

Да, мы можем организовать анализ крови, стула или дыхания, чтобы определить, есть ли у Вас эта инфекция.

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Мне нужно сделать прививку от гриппа, Вы можете сделать это в своей клинике?2016-11-03T04: 15: 07 + 00: 00

Конечно, запишитесь на прием к нашей медсестре, которая сможет провести вакцинацию.
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Я думаю, что у моей 10-летней дочери непереносимость лактозы, можете ли Вы сделать тест на это в своей клинике?2016-11-03T04: 14: 41 + 00: 00

Конечно, наша медсестра может провести тест, чтобы убедиться в этом.
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Я хочу лечить варикозное расширение вен новым препаратом Venaseal. Можете ли Вы сделать это в своей клинике и кто специалист?2016-11-03T04: 14: 14 + 00: 00

Нашего специалиста зовут доктор Альфонсо Руис, и он предлагает лечение венозными препаратами, а также другие варианты. Запишитесь на прием к нему, чтобы определить, какое лечение подойдет Вам.

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Я хочу сдать анализ крови, можете ли вы сделать это в своей клинике и сколько времени потребуется для получения результатов?2016-11-03T04: 13: 45 + 00: 00

Мы предлагаем полный спектр анализов. Запишитесь на прием к нашей медсестре, которая порекомендует Вам, когда Вы получите результаты.

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Мне нужно пройти тест на Covid-19, чтобы вернуться в мою страну, можете ли Вы сделать это в своей клинике?2016-11-03T04: 07: 41 + 00: 00

Да, мы предлагаем как анализ крови Elisa, так и мазок ПЦР. Уточняйте в своей стране, какой тест требуется для въезда, и мы можем организовать его для Вас.

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Я недавно был в больнице и мне нужен сертификат о пригодности к полету, Вы можете помочь?2016-11-03T04: 07: 12 + 00: 00

Да, запишитесь на прием к одному из наших терапевтов или терапевтов, который подготовит для Вас сертификат.

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Мне нужно удалить и проанализировать родинку, Вы можете сделать это в своей клинике?2016-11-03T04: 06: 31 + 00: 00

Да, у нас есть дерматолог или общий хирург, который может удалить родинку, которую затем отправят на биопсию.

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Я еду за границу, и мне нужно сделать несколько прививок, могу ли я сделать их в Вашей клинике?2016-11-03T04: 04: 30 + 00: 00

Да, пожалуйста, запишитесь на прием к нашей медсестре, которая обсудит, какие прививки Вам необходимы.

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