The traditional Chinese medicine is an alternative (when western medicine proves ineffective and/or harmful) based on the concept of CHI (or vital energy) balanced, believed that crosses the body of the person.
CHI regulates spiritual, emotional, mental and physical balance, and is affected by the forces of YIN (Negative Energy) а также YANG (Positive Energy).
As traditional Chinese medicine, the disease occurs when the flow of CHI changes and an imbalance of yin and yang occurs.
Components of this type of medicine include herbal therapies and diet, physical exercises that restore health, meditation, acupuncture, cupping and soothing massage.
Для дополнительной информации кликните сюда or book an appointment with our allied health professional [:ru]The traditional Chinese medicine is based on the concept of CHI (or vital energy) balanced, believed that crosses the body of the person.
CHI regulates spiritual, emotional, mental and physical balance, and is affected by the forces of YIN (Negative Energy) а также YANG (Positive Energy).
As traditional Chinese medicine, the disease occurs when the flow of CHI changes and an imbalance of yin and yang occurs.
Components of this type of medicine include herbal therapies and diet, physically exercises that restore health, meditation, acupuncture, cupping and soothing massage.
Для дополнительной информации кликните сюда or book an appointment with our allied health professional [:es]La Medicina Tradicional China utiliza téncina alternativas a la medicina occidental (cunado esta es ineficaz o contraproducente) basada en el concepto de equilibrio del CHI (energía vital) que se supone atraviesa todo el cuerpo de principio a fin.
Эль CHI regula el equilibrio espiritual, emocional, mental y físico, y se ve afectado por la fuerzas del YIN (Energía negativa) y YANG (Energía positiva).
Según la Medicina Tradicional China, la enfermedad ocurre cuando el flujo del CHI cambia debido a un desequilibrio entre yin y yang.
La terapia de la Medicina Tradicional China incluyen diferentes tipos de hierbas (fitoterapia), dietas, ejercicios físicos, meditación, acupuntura, ventosas (cupping) y masajes.
Para más información haga click aquí o pido una cita con nuestro experto en terapias de medicina tradicional china[:fr]The traditional Chinese medicine is based on the concept of CHI (or vital energy) balanced, believed that crosses the body of the person.
CHI regulates spiritual, emotional, mental and physical balance, and is affected by the forces of YIN (Negative Energy) а также YANG (Positive Energy).
As traditional Chinese medicine, the disease occurs when the flow of CHI changes and an imbalance of yin and yang occurs.
Components of this type of medicine include herbal therapies and diet, physically exercises that restore health, meditation, acupuncture, cupping and soothing massage.
Для дополнительной информации кликните сюда or book an appointment with our allied health professional [:de]The traditional Chinese medicine is based on the concept of CHI (or vital energy) balanced, believed that crosses the body of the person.
CHI regulates spiritual, emotional, mental and physical balance, and is affected by the forces of YIN (Negative Energy) а также YANG (Positive Energy).
As traditional Chinese medicine, the disease occurs when the flow of CHI changes and an imbalance of yin and yang occurs.
Components of this type of medicine include herbal therapies and diet, physically exercises that restore health, meditation, acupuncture, cupping and soothing massage.
Для дополнительной информации кликните сюда or book an appointment with our allied health professional [:]