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На данный момент Clinica создал записи в блоге 363.

Dental cleaning


Dental cleaning Dental cleaning is an essential part of the overall health of our mouth and body. It is important to keep our teeth clean and healthy to prevent cavities, periodontal disease, and other dental problems. But what is it that makes dental cleaning so important? In this article, we will explore the benefits of [...]

Dental cleaning2023-01-27T13:06:34+00:00



Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones, causing them to become weak and brittle. It is a silent condition, since in its early stages it does not cause obvious symptoms, but over time it can cause fractures and bone pain. Although it is more common in women and older people, osteoporosis can affect [...]


Importance of going to the nutritionist


Importance of going to the nutritionist Diet is essential to maintaining good health, but we often find ourselves lost in a sea of ​​conflicting information about what we should and shouldn't eat. How to know which foods are right for our body and our individual needs? The answer is simple: go to a nutritionist. A [...]

Importance of going to the nutritionist2023-01-27T13:14:22+00:00

Importance of breakfast


Importance of breakfast Have you ever heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well, it turns out that it is not just a saying, but it is true. Breakfast is essential to start the day with energy and to maintain good health in the long term. However, many people skip breakfast [...]

Importance of breakfast2023-01-27T13:19:15+00:00



Hypertension Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a very common health problem that can have serious consequences if not treated properly. Although many people don't know they have hypertension because it has no obvious symptoms, it is responsible for a large number of heart attacks and strokes each year. In this article, we [...]


Oral health


Oral health Oral health is essential to our general well-being, and one of the best ways to take care of our teeth and gums is to visit the dentist regularly. However, many people are still afraid of visiting the dentist or simply do not see the importance of doing so. In this article, we'll explain [...]

Oral health2023-01-27T13:27:05+00:00

Muscle pain


Muscle pain Muscle pain is an unpleasant sensation that many people experience at some point in their lives. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, from overtraining to poor posture when sitting for long periods of time. Although muscle pain can be uncomfortable, there are several ways to relieve and prevent it. One [...]

Muscle pain2023-01-27T13:30:50+00:00

Cellular membrane


Cellular membrane The cell membrane is a vital structure that surrounds and protects all the cells in our body. It is responsible for controlling what goes in and out of the cell, which is essential to sustain life. Without the cell membrane, cells could not survive. The cell membrane is composed mainly of lipids and [...]

Cellular membrane2023-01-27T13:34:55+00:00



DNA DNA is the molecule that carries genetic information in all living things. It is the molecule that contains the information necessary to build and control all the functions of the body. Without DNA, there would be no life as we know it. The structure of DNA is known as a double helix. It is [...]


Importance of avocado


Importance of avocado Have you ever wondered why avocado has become such a popular superfood Well, I have news for you avocados are much more than just a delicious addition to your salad or sandwich. Actually, it is a fruit full of nutrients and health benefits that you should include in your diet. First of [...]

Importance of avocado2023-01-27T13:43:36+00:00