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На данный момент Craig Morfett создал записи в блоге 308.

Corticosteroid Injections.CLINICA BRITANNIA


Corticosteroid Injections Cortisone is a type of steroid medication which acts as an anti-inflammatory medication that aids with pain relief, when injected directly into an inflamed joint, muscle, specific tendons and helps the relief of bursa. These injections can also help with the treatment of asthma, allergies and rheumatoid arthritis. This type of injection reduces [...]

Corticosteroid Injections.CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-06-04T13:22:08+00:00

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). CLINICA BRITANNIA


Fatty liver disease develops when triglycerides, which is a fat found in the blood builds up in the liver of people who drink little or no alcohol. The patient may suffer with extensive fatigue and lack of energy. One of the most effective treatments for the disease is to eat a healthy diet and weight [...]

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-06-03T14:48:24+00:00

Belching, Burping and Flatulence. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Belching, burping and flatulence are natural and common bodily functions which can at times become incredibly uncomfortable and embarrassing. This can also be accompanied by distention of the stomach causing bloating and pain. Simple lifestyle changes can be discussed with your Doctor to help reduce and eliminate the symptoms if there are no underlying health [...]

Belching, Burping and Flatulence. CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-06-02T13:20:30+00:00

СДВГ у взрослых.

2020-06-01T12: 41: 37 + 00: 00

ADHD IN ADULTS Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurobehavioral disorder. If ADHD is left untreated it can cause physical as well as mental problems like fatigue which can escalate and affect many aspects of daily life. SIGNS OF ADHD Lack of focus: This is the common sign of ADHD making it difficult [...]

СДВГ у взрослых.2020-06-01T12: 41: 37 + 00: 00

Процедуры с антивозрастными кожными наполнителями Restylane. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2020-05-29T12: 00: 13 + 00: 00

Restylane Anti-Ageing dermal filler Treatments Our facial bones are what define, shape, and give structure to our face. But as the ageing process takes place, we lose definition, the contour of the jawline decreases, our cheeks flatten, and our skin begins to sag and cause a jowling effect. Restylane is a type of hyaluronic acid [...]

Процедуры с антивозрастными кожными наполнителями Restylane. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2020-05-29T12: 00: 13 + 00: 00

ОПОЯСЫВАЮЩИЙ ЛИШАЙ. Приходите к нашему специалисту. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2020-05-25T10: 41: 43 + 00: 00

Опоясывающий лишай, также известный как опоясывающий герпес, представляет собой вирусную инфекцию, вызывающую болезненную сыпь, которая обычно покрывает туловище, вокруг глаз, шеи или лица. Это вызвано тем же вирусом, что и вирус ветряной оспы, вызывающий ветряную оспу. Вирус возникает после того, как человек переболел ветряной оспой, это [...]

ОПОЯСЫВАЮЩИЙ ЛИШАЙ. Приходите к нашему специалисту. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2020-05-25T10: 41: 43 + 00: 00

Специалист по борьбе со старением. Дерматолог. Дра Ирина Артеменко. Приходите в CLINICA BRITANNIA

2020-05-21T11: 16: 31 + 00: 00

We love skin care! Ready for the beauty update you deserve? Botox and Restylane Anti-Aging Treatment Botox and injectable fillers such as Restylane top the list of most popular non-surgical antiaging treatments. Here's the goods on these popular injectables: 1. Botox A Botox treatment involves a very small amount of a specific purified protein produced [...]

Специалист по борьбе со старением. Дерматолог. Дра Ирина Артеменко. Приходите в CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-05-21T11: 16: 31 + 00: 00

Остеоартроз. Посетите нашего специалиста. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ


OSTEOARTHRITIS Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. The disorder is most common in the hip, knees, spine, and the joints in the hand. Osteoarthritis symptoms develop slowly over a period [...]

Остеоартроз. Посетите нашего специалиста. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2020-05-15T11:28:36+00:00

Haemorrhoids. Visit our Specialist. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Haemorrhoids also referred to as piles are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum like varicose veins. There are two types of Haemorrhoids, internal haemorrhoids which develop inside the rectum and external haemorrhoids which appear under the skin around the anus. Internal haemorrhoids are found on the inside of the rectum, they in most [...]

Haemorrhoids. Visit our Specialist. CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-05-15T08:20:24+00:00