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На данный момент Craig Morfett создал записи в блоге 308.


2020-05-12T14: 40: 54 + 00: 00

An inguinal hernia occurs when fatty or intestinal tissue protrudes through a weak bulge in the abdominal wall near to the right or left inguinal canal, which is located at the base of the abdomen. This can cause pain and discomfort especially when coughing, exercising or performing bowel movements. Inguinal hernias may be caused by [...]

Паховая грыжа. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2020-05-12T14: 40: 54 + 00: 00

Быстрое и специфическое обнаружение коронавируса. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2020-05-08T09: 03: 11 + 00: 00

Are you feeling anxious or worried about a high-risk family member, if so, why not put your mind at rest and have either “direct” (PCR) or “indirect” (ELISA) for detecting coronavirus? “Direct” (PCR) means that a fragment of the RNA of the virus (SARS-CoV-2) is detected in any patient’s fluid (mostly respiratory). “Indirect” (ELISA) means [...]

Быстрое и специфическое обнаружение коронавируса. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2020-05-08T09: 03: 11 + 00: 00

Гипертонический кризис. Приходите в CLINICA BRITANNIA

2020-05-06T08: 05: 05 + 00: 00

Hypertension Headache A Hypertension headache is caused during what we call a Hypertensive crisis, this is when the blood pressure increases to over 140/90 mm Hg. Pressure on the cranium builds and as a result of this the blood pressure increases to critical levels. The resulting headache feels unlike any other kind of migraine or [...]

Гипертонический кризис. Приходите в CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-05-06T08: 05: 05 + 00: 00

Come to visit Our Psychologist, Elena Blanaru for Counselling. CLINICA BRITANNIA


A psychologists is a person who specialises in the study of mind and behaviour, or in the treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders.  Clinical psychologists assess, treat and diagnose individuals that are experiencing from a multitude of issues including anger, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, depression, addiction to drug, alcohol or food, self-harming, stress, [...]

Come to visit Our Psychologist, Elena Blanaru for Counselling. CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-04-28T14:24:55+00:00

Биоидентичная гормональная заместительная терапия (BHRT). КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2020-04-24T09: 51: 25 + 00: 00

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) Your body’s hormones control most of the basic bodily functions. They serve as an internal communication system within the body coordinating everything from digestion, appetite, immune function, moods, and libido. So, when your hormones become unbalanced it can affect the well-being of the body. All hormones [...]

Биоидентичная гормональная заместительная терапия (BHRT). КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2020-04-24T09: 51: 25 + 00: 00

Isolation and Quarantine. Effective Tools. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Isolation and Quarantine are effective tools to slowdown the transmission of a virus during a pandemic. We should all commit to stay at home during this time only leaving our homes when it is necessary. Although it is important to consider the effects that this can have on the mental health of a person. Besides [...]

Isolation and Quarantine. Effective Tools. CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-04-23T10:10:14+00:00

Social Distancing Information. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Social distancing is a measure taken to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by maintaining a physical distance between people keeping a distance of 2 metres (8 feet) and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other and avoiding gathering of large groups. By reducing the probability that an uninfected person will come [...]

Social Distancing Information. CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-04-21T10:26:59+00:00

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). CLINICA BRITANNIA


N95 respirators and surgical masks (face masks) are examples of PPE that are used to protect the wearer from airborne particles and from liquid contaminating the face. Nevertheless, it is important to recognise that the optimal way to prevent airborne transmission is to use a combination of precautions not only PPE. Above all, the best [...]

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-04-20T13:14:24+00:00

Telemedicine, Book your Appointment with a GP or Consultant. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Booking and receiving an APPOINTMENT with the GP or CONSULTANT PHYSICIAN from the SAFETY and COMFORT of your own home could be as simple as a phone call away.       Telemedicine today as we know it originated in the 1950’s when hospitals and medical centres were searching for a way to share information via [...]

Telemedicine, Book your Appointment with a GP or Consultant. CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-04-16T12:02:05+00:00

Basic Protective Measures, Coronavirus Prevention .CLINICA BRITANNIA


Basic protective measures, Coronavirus Prevention .CLINICA BRITANNIA The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection. Wash your hands frequently   Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills [...]

Basic Protective Measures, Coronavirus Prevention .CLINICA BRITANNIA2020-03-27T10:41:55+00:00