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На данный момент Craig Morfett создал записи в блоге 308.

Персонализированная и генетически - проконтролировано диета для пациентов с хроническим избыточным весом.

2016-03-02T06: 34: 05 + 00: 00

Ожирение и избыточный вес представляют собой большую опасность и последствия серьезных хронических заболеваний связанных с питанием, таких как сахарный диабет второго типа, сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний , гипертонии и инсульта , а также некоторых форм рака. Последствия для здоровья могут быть разными, от повышенного риска преждевременной смерти , до серьезных хронических заболеваний, которые снижают качество жизни в [...]

Персонализированная и генетически - проконтролировано диета для пациентов с хроническим избыточным весом.2016-03-02T06: 34: 05 + 00: 00

Что такое урофлоуметрия?

2016-02-21T09: 05: 22 + 00: 00

Doctors use uroflowmetry to test the amount of urine and the speed of urination. This test is called a “uroflow test.” It can help your doctor identify the cause of either slow urination or difficulty urinating. Why is a uroflow test done? Your doctor may recommend a uroflow test if you have slow urination or [...]

Что такое урофлоуметрия?2016-02-21T09: 05: 22 + 00: 00

Non-Surgical Treatment of Haemorrhoids


Rectal pain and/or bleeding are common complaints among the general population. Haemorrhoids are the most common etiology for these complaints, but the family physician should always be alert to the possibility of other pathologic explanations, such as fissure, abscess,  fistula, condiloma, or cancer. Feelings of embarrassment or apprehension about surgery may make patients reluctant to discuss [...]

Non-Surgical Treatment of Haemorrhoids2016-01-10T06:19:37+00:00

Соглашение между Университетом Макгилла (Монреаль) и Clinica Britannia (Кальпе)

2016-01-08T20: 42: 45 + 00: 00

Susanne Gomes, the Undergraduate Program Coordinator of McGill University, Department of Family Medicine, located in Cote-des-Neiges Montreal, QC Canada has signed a co-operation agreement with Clinica Britannia in order to send/receive medical students for practical training under the supervisión of our Consultant Physician, Dr. Vicente Mera. McGill is the only Canadian university ranked in the [...]

Соглашение между Университетом Макгилла (Монреаль) и Clinica Britannia (Кальпе)2016-01-08T20: 42: 45 + 00: 00

New Emergency and Planned Home Visits Coverage Area


Our team of English-speaking doctors has recently widen the coverage of The Costa Blanca, from Calpe to Benissa and Jalon in  Marina Alta area; and from Calpe to Altea, Albir, Alfaz del Pi, La Nucia, Benidorm and La Cala (Villajoyosa, Finestrat and Benidorm) in Marina Baixa area. Should you need a planned visit of either a [...]

New Emergency and Planned Home Visits Coverage Area2016-01-04T18:46:29+00:00

Больницы IMED приобретают Clinica Benidorm в 2016 году

2016-01-02T08: 30: 13 + 00: 00

Brand new privileged agreements have just been set about between Clinica Britannia and different hospital care providers of the Costa Blanca, namely IMED Hospitals (Benidorm, Teulada and Elche); Vhitas Hospitals of Alicante (Medimar & Perpetuo International); and Vistahermosa (Alicante), in order to fill the gap left by Clinica Benidorm. As of 1st January,2016, any of the new three above-mentioned [...]

Больницы IMED приобретают Clinica Benidorm в 2016 году2016-01-02T08: 30: 13 + 00: 00

Agreement Between Clinica Benidorm and Clinica Britannia Becomes Void


We regret to inform that due to operational reasons, the co-operation agreement between Clinica Benidorm and Clinica Britannia shall be void as of 1st January, 2016. Hence,  diagnostic tests, consultations to specialists,  and, eventually, ambulance service, emergency room visits and planned admissions for medical or surgical treatment  would not be feasible for our patients in [...]

Agreement Between Clinica Benidorm and Clinica Britannia Becomes Void2015-12-31T14:30:29+00:00

SANITAS Doesn’t Cover Clinica Britannia Anymore


Due to allegedly oversaturated market, Clinica Britannia might be removed next year from the official list of SANITAS healthcare providers. Hence, SANITAS holders would unfortunately be charged private rates, as of 1st January, 2016. Pay and claim scheme, however, is an acceptable option for SANITAS patients in the near future. Nevertheless, make sure your insurance [...]

SANITAS Doesn’t Cover Clinica Britannia Anymore2015-12-15T10:29:59+00:00