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На данный момент Craig Morfett создал записи в блоге 308.

На ваши вопросы отвечает внутренний специалист Clinica Britannia, доктор Висенте Мера


"A friend of mine who used to smoke a pack of cigarettes for years have been just diagnosed with a lung cancer, apparently the cancer has already spread into the liver and brain. I know the best way to prevent this problem is to quit smoking, the sooner the better, But I wonder whether it [...]

На ваши вопросы отвечает внутренний специалист Clinica Britannia, доктор Висенте Мера2021-01-26T11:18:16+00:00

Нерегулярные менструации. Посетите нашего гинеколога. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2021-01-25T11: 29: 42 + 00: 00

The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, with bleeding lasting between 2 & 5 days. This means that if you count the first day of your bleed as day 1, your next period will start around 28 days after this. Some variation is normal, but if your cycle is especially short or long, or if [...]

Нерегулярные менструации. Посетите нашего гинеколога. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2021-01-25T11: 29: 42 + 00: 00

Achilles tendinitis. Visit Our Specialist. CLINICA BRITANNIA


Achilles tendinitis is an overuse injury of the Achilles (uh-KILL-eez) tendon, the band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone. Achilles tendinitis most commonly occurs in runners who have suddenly increased the intensity or duration of their runs. It's also common in middle-aged people who [...]

Achilles tendinitis. Visit Our Specialist. CLINICA BRITANNIA2021-01-22T14:47:42+00:00

Агенезия влагалища. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2021-04-02T08: 58: 06 + 00: 00

Vaginal agenesis (a-JEN-uh-sis) is a rare disorder that occurs when the vagina doesn't develop, and the womb (uterus) may only develop partially or not at all. This condition is present before birth, and may also be associated with kidney, heart or skeletal abnormalities. The condition is also known as Mullerian aplasia or Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome. [...]

Агенезия влагалища. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2021-04-02T08: 58: 06 + 00: 00

Тест на венерические заболевания. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2021-01-08T11: 57: 33 + 00: 00

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are generally acquired through sexual contact. The organisms (bacteria, viruses, or parasites) that cause sexually transmitted diseases can be passed from one person to another through blood, semen, or vaginal fluids and other bodily fluids. Sometimes these infections can be transmitted non-sexually, such as from mother [...]

Тест на венерические заболевания. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2021-01-08T11: 57: 33 + 00: 00

Сообщает о тесте на передачу инфекции половым путем. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2021-01-08T11: 57: 33 + 00: 00

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are generally acquired through sexual contact. The organisms (bacteria, viruses, or parasites) that cause sexually transmitted diseases can be passed from one person to another through blood, semen, or vaginal fluids and other bodily fluids. Sometimes these infections can be transmitted non-sexually, such as from mother [...]

Сообщает о тесте на передачу инфекции половым путем. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2021-01-08T11: 57: 33 + 00: 00

24-часовое тестирование артериального давления MAPA. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2021-01-07T15: 31: 32 + 00: 00

A MAPA is a 24 hour blood pressure monitor used to detect, measure and manage high blood pressure (hypertension). Hypertension is when your BP reading is over 140/90. When wearing the Mapa, readings are taken every 20 to 30 minutes during the day and every hour at night with your heart rate being monitored at [...]

24-часовое тестирование артериального давления MAPA. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2021-01-07T15: 31: 32 + 00: 00

ПЦР-тест для путешествий. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ

2021-01-05T11: 00: 23 + 00: 00

PCR swab test for coronavirus is currently the required test to exclude an active infection if you plan to travel. Please check with the authorities in the country you are travelling to for more information. We can help with the test and the signing and stamping of any certification .   We have helped hundreds [...]

ПЦР-тест для путешествий. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2021-01-05T11: 00: 23 + 00: 00

Профиль крови. Проверьте свое текущее состояние здоровья. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ


If you are looking for a blood screening that offers an accurate summary of your current health, including cholesterol This popular test offers an excellent overview of your health, & will highlight any important issues, allowing you to address imbalances or deficiencies before they develop into more serious health concerns. It can also evaluate the [...]

Профиль крови. Проверьте свое текущее состояние здоровья. КЛИНИКА БРИТАННИЯ2020-12-29T11:08:49+00:00