I have not visited the Dentist for 2 years as I am petrified,
but have been suffering with sensitivity in a tooth on and
off for the last month, will this go away on its own or
should I find the courage to see a Dentist?

Unfortunately it is very unlikely the pain will diminish on its
own and medical attention is generally required. Tooth
sensitivity is when you feel pain whilst consuming hot and
foods or beverages. This sensitivity can occur because the
tooth enamel that protects the tooth's pulp and dentin, is
thinned from repeated exposure to acidity and extreme
temperatures. It can also be a sign of tooth grinding which
occurs mainly during sleep, receeding gums, a broken tooth
or a tooth with decay that needs to be filled.
As you are extremely nervous it is important to find a Dental
profesional who is sympathetic to your needs and can
prioritise your treatment plan to relieve your pain quickly
and efficiently. This overtime will help you to gain
confidence and trust relieving you of your dental phobia.