Cupping therapy is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin.

Through suction, the skin is drawn into the cup by creating a vacuum in the cup placed on the skin over the targeted area. The vacuum can be created either by the heating and subsequent cooling of the air in the cup, or via a mechanical pump. The cup is usually left in place for somewhere between five and fifteen minutes. It is believed by some to help treat pain, deep scar tissues in the muscles and connective tissue, muscle knots, and swelling.

The effectiveness of cupping is difficult to determine as it is difficult to construct double blind or placebo-controlled clinical trial, nevertheless there are anedoctical evidence of excellent results concerning pain, inflammation and physical endurance and recovery, as proved by Michael the lats Olimpic games

Cupping is generally safe when done by trained health professionals on people who are otherwise healthy. It is not recommended as a replacement for typical treatment. Cupping may result in bruising, burns, pain, or skin infection whe done by non-trained therapists.

Research suggests that cupping is harmful, especially in people who are thin or obese.[citation needed] According to Jack Raso (1997), cupping results in capillary expansion, excessive fluid accumulation in tissues, and the rupture of blood vessels

For further information, contact our health allied profesional expert in alternative Chinese Medicine, Dr Roberto Solis[:es]La ventosaterapia es una técnica de medicina alternativa utilizada en la medicina china tradicional mediante el cual una ventosa se coloca sobre la superficie de la piel para causar una congestión local eliminando el aire de la ventosa. Este método promovería la libre circulación del Qì y la sangre, incidiendo positivamente en la cura de diversas dolencias.

Las patologías que cursan con dolor e inflamación son la que más se beneficiarían de esta terapia.

Los efectos indeseables derivados de esta terapia como hematomas e infección ocurren principalmente cuando la terapia se aplica por manos no expertas.

La potenciacion de la capacidad fÍsica y la recuperacion del esfuerzo físico han sido demostrados por el nadador Michael Phelps en los últimos juegos olímpicos.

Si está interesado en recibir más información acerca de esta terapia, pida una cita con nuestro experto en medicina tradicional china, Dr. Roberto Solís. [:]