Intralesional Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) , New Technique For Basal Cell Carcinoma
The photodynamic therapy with Multidiode™ 630 PDT is an innovative minimally invasive option for multiple [...]
Intraläsionale photodynamische Therapie (PDT), neue Technik für die suppurative Hidradenitis
The photodynamic therapy with Multidiode™ 630 PDT is an innovative minimally invasive option for multiple [...]
Sind Sie müde von langen Wartelisten für Operationen (Krampfadern)?
At CLINICA BRITANNIA, with no waiting lists we have at your disposal the best [...]
Intraläsionale photodynamische Therapie (PDT), neue Technik für Analfisteln
The photodynamic therapy with Multidiode™ 630 PDT is an innovative minimally invasive option for multiple [...]
Sind Sie müde von langen Wartelisten für plastische Chirurgie (Braquioplastik)?
Bei CLINICA BRITANNIA ohne Wartelisten haben wir die besten [...]
EVOLOCUMAB (Trade name Repatha) For High LDL CHOLESTEROL
High LDL cholesterol, also called bad cholesterol, can accumulate and form plaque in the [...]