INDIBA: A Natural Therapeutic Tool for Rehabilitation, Sports Physiotherapy, Pelvic Floor and Physio-Aesthetics.
INDIBA® based on the medical studies described the Proionic® System as the unique system [...]
Flora Scan (prueba de heces)
Intestinal disorders are now a social problem that affects more than 70% of the [...]
Infección por Helicobacter Pylori
What Are the Symptoms of H. Pylori Infection? Most people with H. pylori don’t have [...]
Mantenga la hinchazón a raya
The most common cause of temporary bloating is gas in the abdomen. About half [...]
1er Torneo de Golf Clínica Britannia en Altea Golf Club (ex Don Cayo)
We are delighted to sponsor our first golf tournament which will take place on Sunday, 10th April 2016, [...]
RECEPTION Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm LABORATORY Monday to Friday 9am to 11am [...]