INDIBA: A Natural Therapeutic Tool for Rehabilitation, Sports Physiotherapy, Pelvic Floor and Physio-Aesthetics.
INDIBA® based on the medical studies described the Proionic® System as the unique system [...]
Flora Scan (Stool Test)
Intestinal disorders are now a social problem that affects more than 70% of the [...]
Helicobacter Pylori Infection
What Are the Symptoms of H. Pylori Infection? Most people with H. pylori don’t have [...]
Продолжайте вздутие живота
The most common cause of temporary bloating is gas in the abdomen. About half [...]
1-й турнир по гольфу Clinica Britannia в гольф-клубе Altea (бывший Don Cayo)
We are delighted to sponsor our first golf tournament which will take place on Sunday, 10th April 2016, [...]
RECEPTION Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm LABORATORY Monday to Friday 9am to 11am [...]