Summer is here! For a few beautiful months, we can take a little break from brassicas, and enjoy the more colourful, complex and delicate produce of summer.
Seasonal foods have a better flavor, their aroma is pleasant and they are generally much healthier and more attractive to the eye. In addition, its freshness and intensity of color make us want to consume them more, obtaining extra benefits and making it easier to reach the minimum recommended consumption.
June includes leafy greens, vibrant berries and hearty vegetables: Asparragus, Aubergines, Beetroot, Broad beans, Cauliflower, Chard, Cherries, Courgettes French beans, Globe artichokes, Gooseberries, Lettuce, Nettles, New potatoes, Peas and sugar snap peas, Peppers, Radishes, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Samphire, Spring onions, Strawberries and Watercress.
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